Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Classic Nor' Easter in OC

Here a Pic from my office today...yuck..lookin North on Coastal Hwy

Eiyy yii yii, what a slog it has been since Saturday night. The onset and typical stall of a strong Nor' East wind.

As I watched the news (all of 'em) Fox, Weather Channel, the local Eastern Shore stations...., had the same forecasts. They were for rain for a day or so....then sun and warmer weather. Ah, the thought was nice- and I certainly am a fan for seeing the glass as half full at all times. BUT, now heres a big BUT, the wind had shifted offshore from the Northeast. Well, I am noooo meteorologist/weatherman or qualified as anything close....BUT I have lived on the coast for a long time. And , everyone I know who has lived here any substantial amount of time- can tell you- when this happens we're in for a stretch of cold, rainy, dark and miserable days. This is a Nor' Easter.

I know I shouldn't infer that I can forecast weather ('cause I can't) BUT, this scenario usually happens- and it seems the forecasters always blame the mountains....I blame the Mountains to the west and the Strong Northeast wind holding the fronts? I'd love to know if this makes sense.

Well, for my glass half full has been four days and counting (we Ocean Cityers usually say these last five) soon there will be SUN, FUN and Spring to be enjoyed! So, come on down.

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